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Company Mission and Goal

There is no way to success without unforseeable obstructions. We are there to help people overcome these obstacles. We are giving them a chance not to give up and exceed their limits.

Our goals:

  1. To offer Georgian people and companies the highest quality of services
  2. To pay more attention to young and middle aged people working in private sector, who care about creating social guarantees. 
  3. To offer Georgian enterprises, their managment and workers quality business, life and health insurances 
  4. To make sure our company is growing and is profitable


For some people insurance is caring, for some people - feeling of safety... Of course we agree, but at first insurance for us is a component for growth and progress. 

Our promise


We create insurance products that bring safety and financial guarantess to people and to businesses, so they have a chance to continue working and become more and more succesful. 

We are partners and friends for our cutomers.  The Friend who is on their side in the time of need. Helps them continue walking towards a better future. 

Protect what matters!



Our Values


We are on your side, as friends and as partners


Constant development is our motive power. We believe in progress for us and for our clients.


Most important principle in relationships with the public and partners is justice and transparency.


We are always learning and we are making sure to have the highest standards for financial responsibility, which is a guarantee for our clients’ and coworkers’ wellbeing.

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ჩაწერეთ ტექსტი
JSC Insurance Company GPI Holding is the member of one of the biggest European insurance group - "Vienna Insurance Group"
Contact Information
Georgia, Tbilisi, 67 Merab Kostava St. , 0171
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