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Fastest and Most Comfortable Insurance Service

You can request reimbursement online from the app MyGPI or from the website mygpi.ge.

For reimbursement you will need form 100, checks and income order.


Answer to the reimbursment request will be sent to you in 20 minutes. Compensation will be given in 1 working day.

Choose a Package

  • Policy Medi

    Reimbursement for outpatient services


    This service needs reimbursement in cases when you use them in non provider clinics. Specialist visits, tests are reimbursed with Policy Medi Classic and Premium, with personal doctor’s referral. You can get reimbursed online from the app  Mygpi or from the website Mygpi.ge. Needed documents: Form 100, checks and income order. 


    Users of Medi Basic, Standard and Optimal can use this service only in provider clinics and they only pay their share. Therefore, reimbursement is not needed. 

    Reimbursement for Hospital Care

    For planned surgeries reimbursement is needed when you receive this service in non provider clinics, after a 12 month waiting period. This service is financed only with Medi Classic and Premium. 

    Keep in mind that before surgery you will need to request a guarantee letter. You’ll pay the full price in the clinic and get reimbursed online. Documents needed: form 100, checks and income order. You will receive an answer in 1 working day.

    There is no waiting period for urgent surgeries and you can use this service in any clinic. It;s necessary to inform us via hotline (0322505111). If urgent surgery is done in a provider clinic, we will take care of insurance procedures without involving you and you’ll pay only your share. If it’s done in a non provider clinic - you’ll pay the full price and then get reimbursed online. 

    Needed documents: form 100, checks and income order. Money will be reimbursed in 1 working day. 

    Fast and standard reimbursement methods 

    Fast method - more simple and quick method that gives you a chance to fill out the form automatically and answer will also be quick - max 3 working hours. Also you can save frequently used services as templated and repeat a request with one click. 

    Standard method - You fill out the form by hand and review time is 1 working day. This method is best if you don’t know the exact name for the received service. 

    For reimbursement you’ll need form 100, checks and income order. There are exceptions where additional documents might be needed. Our manager will inform you about that.


    Reimbursement  for Dental Services

    Planned dental services can only be used in provider clinics. You only pay your share, so reimbursement is not needed.

    Urgent dental services can be used in any clinic. If you use such service in non provider clinics, you can get reimbursed online. You’ll need: form 100, checks, income order and visio (photos before and after the service) 

    To get reimbursed online, visit your personal cabinet.


  • GPI Exclusive

    Reimbursement for outpatient services 

    With GPI Exclusive this service is covered in any clinics. If you receive this service in a non provider clinic or in a provider clinic without referral, you can get reimbursed online from the app MyGPI or from the website mygpi.ge.

    Needed documents: form 100, checks and cashier’s order. You’ll get an answer in 20 minutes and compensation will be given in 1 working day.


    Reimbursement for Dental Services

    Planned dental services can be received in provider clinics. You pay only your share and reimbursement is not needed. Urgent dental services can be used in any clinic. If you use this service in non provider clinics, you can get reimbursed online. You’ll need: form 100, checks, income order and visio (Photo before and after the service done)

    For reimbursement visit your personal cabinet. 


    Reimbursement for Hospital Care

    For planned surgeries you need reimbursement in case you received this service in a non provider clinic, after the 12 month waiting period.

    Keep in mind that before surgery you need to request a guarantee letter. You’ll pay the full price and then get reimbursed online from the app MyGPI or from the website mygpi.ge. You’ll need: form 100, checks and income order. You’ll get an answer in 1 working day. 

    For urgent surgeries there is no waiting period and you can use this service in any clinic. You need to inform us on our hotline  (0322505111). If you receive the service in a provider clinic, we will take care of insurance procedures without involving you. You will only pay your share. In non provider clinics you pay the full price and then will be reimbursed online.

    Needed documents: form 100, checks and income order. You’ll be reimbursed in 1 working day. 



    Pregnancy related expenses need reimbursement if you received the service in a non provider clinic or in a provider without a referral. In such cases you pay the full price and then will be reimbursed online. Needed documents: form 100, checks and cashier’s order. Answer will be sent to you via sms in 20 minutes. You’ll receive money on your bank account in 1 working day.


  • flex policy

Frequently Asked

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