What does loyalty program mean?
Ecoist is our loyalty program that we created for you, so that our relationship is more beneficial and pleasant for you. As soon as you buy insurance, you enter this program and collect points with ecocoins. You can use them to buy insurance services.
How do I collect coins with insurance?
If you purchase individual insurance policies: Health Insurance Policy Medi, Car insurance, auto liability insurance or home insurance, you will start collecting coins. 5% of monthly fee will be returned to you as ecocoins.
How can I use ecocoins?
Ecocoins collected by insurance or healthy lifestyle can be used to renew insurance or to buy a new one. While purchasing choose ecocoins as payment and collected ecocoins will automatically be subtracted from the fee. 100 ecocoins = 1 GEL
Which packages collect ecocoins?
Ecocoins can be collected by these individual packages: Health insurance policy Medi, car insurance policy AutoClassic, Auto Liability insurance and home insurance policy Comfort. 5% of their monthly fee is returned to you as ecocins.
Who can collect ecocoins?
Insured person, who purchased the insurance collects ecocoins. He/she will get coins even if he/he bought insurance for someone else.
How can I check collected ecocoins?
You can check collected ecocoins in your personal cabinet, in our app MyGPI or website mygpi.ge