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International medical concierge service

Diagnosis made in Georgia is sent to best clinics in the world. Insured person can choose a country and a clinic. He/she will receive medical second opinion and treatment plan in 10 working days.
Diagnosis will be examined by best specialists in the field. This specialists are known for flagship medical research, most recent treatment plans and for getting the best results.
After sending the diagnosis, in 15 days patient will receive new treatment plan, oriented on his/her health. Latest research shows that diagnosis that are double checked by international medical concierge changes in diagnosis was made in 95% os the cases. In 14% surgery was avoided. In 77% cases new treatment plan was made. Patient more simply and quickly receives best results for her/his health.

About MediGuide

What services are financed?

In what cases can patient use international medical concierge service?

In cases of cancer you can use international medical concierge service. No matter what stage it is, diagnosis will be double checked by best oncologists in the world and you will receive the new treatment plan. დეტალურად

How does patient get international medical concierge service?

Insured person should call MediGuide and Curatio shared hotline. After speaking with our assistant, they will send consent form. After insured person signs it, we can see medical history and share it. After that we will contact insured person and do a phone consult. We will check his/hers medical history and current state. We will collect all medical data. Depending on patient's health, we will choose best international clinic or professional doctor together. He/She will check medical history and diagnosis. For choosing a clinic or a doctor, patient can also use local doctor. დეტალურად

When does patient get medical second opinion?

Chosen international clinic and specialist or group of specialists will check his/her medical history and diagnosis in 15 working days. They will create new treatment plan and send it to MediGuide. MediGuide will share all the details with patient. დეტალურად

How does patient purchase international medical concierge service?

Patient doesn't need separate package for this service. It's automatically included in renewed onco care packages and corporate health insurance packages. If patient uses onco care or corporate health insurance standard packages and wants to use this service, she/he can upgrade a package. დეტალურად

News: International medical concierge service

Policy covers medical second opinion service, in top medical clinics abroad.
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