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Insuring renovation, furniture and home appliances

If your home renovation gets damaged policy Comfort will help you avoid expenses.
If your home gets water damage from the neighbour, we will reimburse you and you will also avoid conflict with the neighbour.
This cases bring huge financial loss and it will be hard to manage without insurance. You can avoid these expenses with policy Comfort.
We will reimburse you for the loss in cases of robbery or theft.
Get discounts on home care services as a gift


Max 120 Square Footage
25 ₾


Max 120 Square Footage
35 ₾
Water Damage From The Neighbour
Damage to Heating System
Sewer system, water system and electrical system damage
Rain, hail, earthquake, strong wind
Fire, smoke, explosion
Theft, Robbery
Damage done by third person on purpose (Vandalism)
Rent Reimbursement
25 ₾
Water Damage From The Neighbour
Damage to Heating System
Sewer system, water system and electrical system damage
Rain, hail, earthquake, strong wind
Fire, smoke, explosion
Theft, Robbery
Damage done by third person on purpose (Vandalism)
Rent Reimbursement
Not Financed
35 ₾
Water Damage From The Neighbour
Damage to Heating System
Sewer system, water system and electrical system damage
Rain, hail, earthquake, strong wind
Fire, smoke, explosion
Theft, Robbery
Damage done by third person on purpose (Vandalism)
Rent Reimbursement

მიიღე დამატებითი შეთავაზებები

პოლისის შეძენის შემთხვევაში, სახლის მოვლასთან დაკავშირებულ სერვისებზე 20%-მდე ფასდაკლებებს მიიღებ
გაიგე მეტი

Insure being a good neighbour

If you damaged your neighbour's home, you can still be a good neighbour - we will pay them compensation up to 10,000 Gel
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Add Items

If you bought new items during the insurance - add them to the policy without increasing the monthly fee.

Service Scheme

What services are financed?

Insured Risks

Your home will be insured against - water damage from the neighbour, damage to heating, sewer , water pipes or electrical systems, natural disasters - rain, hail, strong wind. Also against fire or explosion, theft, robbery, vandalism. დეტალურად


If damage made your home unsuitable for living, Premium package will finance your rent for three month. დეტალურად

Insurance Limits

Policy fee starts from 10 GEL and depends on square footage. Insurance limit depends on your package: Standard package limit is 10,000, Premium package limit- 20,000. დეტალურად

Liability Insurance

To avoid conflict with neighbours you can add liability insurance to your package, for only 6 GEL. If because of you neighbor's renovation or home appliances got damaged, we will pay them compensation up to 10,000 GEL. დეტალურად


Ecoist is our loyalty program. As soon as you are insured, you enter this program and start collecting ecocoins. 5% of your fee is returned to you every month as Ecocoins. You can use Ecocoins to buy a new insurance package or renew an old one. 1 Ecocoin = 1 Gel. You collect Ecocoins even if you insure another person's car. You can check your collected EcoCoins in our MyGPI app. დეტალურად

Why should you insure your home with policy Comfort?

Starting from only 10 Gel a month, you can insure your renovations, furniture and home appliances. And you can stay calm.
5% of monthly fee is returned to you as ecocoins. You can use them to renew or buy insurance.
Sometimes damage is so big, staying at home is impossible. In this cases we will finance your rent for three months

Real Stories

Home insurance saved me from my neighbour's wrath

An year ago we had renovations in our home. As we discovered later, water system was not done properly, so water went down to my neighbour home and damaged her whole bathroom. In the morning knocking on the door awakened me and my neighbour was pretty mad. She was asking me to pay her immediately or renovate her bathroom. I was still paying my loan and I didn't know how to pay her. Fortunately I had home insurance. Insurance manager assessed the my loss and my neighbour's loss and reimbursed us for 3000 Gel.
Nino Kekelia, 32 Years Old

I got reimbursed for renovations and for TV too

I live in the old apartment, from USSR time. My apartment is on the last floor. We repaired the roof many times. Sometimes neighbourhood paid for it, sometimes city hall. But last time during the heavy rain, our homes till got damaged. Our apartment needed renovations. Furniture and TV got also damaged. Fortunately we had home insurance. Meteorological notice said that rain was above the limit, so loss was reimbursed. We still repaired the roof, but fortunately insurance compensation was enough to remodel the apartment and we even bought a new TV.
Nana Gordeziani, 37 Years Old

During the pandemic insurance saved two families from a huge financial loss

During the pandemic me and my family went to our village for 2 months. One day our neighbour called and asked us to come back quickly, because water might have damaged our home. My home was not insured. I also did not want to fight with the neighbour, but someone had to pay for the loss. Fortunately he had the insurance that covered this risk. In few days I received compensation for 1000 Gel. If it weren't for my neighbour's thoughtfulness, this unexpected expenses would have been hard on both of us.
Mamuka Nikolaishvili, 39 Years old

Could not decide?

Don't worry, our consultant will help you choose the best policy for you.


Frequently Asked

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Insure you home and collect ecocoins

5% of the monthly fee of Comfort policy will be returned to you as ecocoins. You can use them to renew or buy insurance policy. 100 Ecocoins = 1 Gel
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