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Cases where you are responsible for physical damage to the property or body of a third party.
No one is immune from mistakes, you as a legal entity with civil liability insurance can acquire financial stability and the ability to compensate third parties for damages without problems.

How can you use civil liability insurance?

Example 1
If in the restaurant, your employee mopped the floor in a wet manner, did not put up an appropriate warning sign - a guest slipped and suffered a bodily injury, we will compensate you for the financial damage
Example 2
If a fire breaks out in your business and spreads to an adjacent building, we will compensate you for the property damage.

How can I receive reimbursement?

For stable and steady development of your business

What do you do in case of damages?

In the event of an accident, you should immediately contact us on the hotline at 032 2 505 111 or write to us by e-mail - info@gpih.ge.

Are you interested?

Leave us your contact information, our representative will contact you soon, offer you insurance tailored to your business and answer all your questions.
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