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For your business

Employees and their family members insured in GPI Holding have the opportunity to take advantage of simple and convenient digital services. With the help of our application, the process of receiving medical services can even be completely remote - from planning a visit to the clinic to payment, the user goes through a very convenient path.
Special for businesses, there is an online insurance portal for HR (CORPORATE.GPIH.GE) and the HR department no longer has to spend time on insurance-related bureaucratic procedures. By using the portal, remote operations are also simplified.
Insured clients have the opportunity to receive medical services in high-class privileged provider clinics, where they will be able to pay only their share on the spot and will no longer have to submit documents and checks to us for reimbursement.

Small Business

Number of Employees
5 - 20

Medium Business

Number of Employees
20 - 100

Large Business

Number of Employees
100 +

What services are financed?

Sevice Scheme

Personal Doctor/Pediatrician

As soon as you are insured in service clinic (You can see your service clinic in your personal cabinet) you choose personal doctor or pediatrician. Personal doctor will get to know you medical history, will control your health, gives you recommendations and necessary referrals, which you use to get outpatient services. Details

Preventive Tests

Insurance fully covers screening-preventive tests depending on your age and gender. Personal doctor will help you plan them. Details

Outpatient Sevices

As soon as insurance is active, you can use services such as: visit to the specialist, tests. You can get this services in our provider clinics and only pay your share. For information about full coverage and limits check your personal cabinet. Details

Hospital Care

Urgent surgery is financed as soon as insurance is active. Planned surgeries depend on your package. You might have a waiting period, so check it in your personal cabinet. Details


Dental services include both urgent and planned procedures, also orthopedic and orthodontic services (brackets, prosthesis and etc). You can get dental care in any of our provider dental clinics. Details


You can buy doctor prescribed medication in our partner pharmacies and only pay your share. Details


Financing pregnancy/childbirth and waiting period depends on your insurance package. Check details in your private cabinet. Details

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance as a gift for only our insured personnel. Check travel insurance in your personal cabinet and activate it before traveling. Details

Medical Service In Best Clinics in the Country

You receive services in up to 100 best clinics in the country with only ID. You only pay your share.
See the List

Dentistry Providers

You have the wide choices where you want to receive the dental care.
See the List

Provider Clinics In all Georgia

Biggest chain of provider clinics in Georgia is in your service.
See the List

Why GPI's corporate insurance?

Freedom to choose a clinic
With corporate package you can receive the service in any clinic you want, without personal doctor's referral.
Fast online service
With corporate package you can use insurance service online - reimbursement, requesting referral or guarantee letter and etc. Your every need is fulfilled quickly and simply and you reserve energy and time.
Highest Coverages
Corporate package you save money - it has coverages up to 100% and highest limits.

Do you want to know more details?

Corporate Insurance sales manager will help you choose the right package for your company.
Contact a Manager